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What Primer is Best for Mature Skin

What’s the secret to Choosing Primer?

Two Types of Primer

Primer is simply a product that goes on before foundation.

However, there are essentially two types of primer - both with a very different purpose to each other.  One that can be considered skin prep, and another that is more of a makeup product

I’m going to go into them both

1. Skin Prep Primer.  This is probably the most common product referred to as primer.  The theory is it prepares the surface of the skin to hopefully improve the way foundation goes on - and supposedly make it more even.  This one could be considered almost a skin care product.  This type of primer can make or break your makeup as explained below

2. Luminizing Primer that creates a "glow" to shine through foundation - to improve the look of foundation.  This one is more of a makeup product and one I am a huuuuge fan of.  I have created one that I think is the best on the market.


Primer #1 - Skin Prep Primer

Whether you should use either of these primers will depend on your unique set of circumstances. 

I'm going to explain some things about primer so that you can make the right choice for you.

The Theory Behind Primer.  And... What is Primer, Anyway?

When we apply foundation, we should really be working it in to our skin.  This technique provides the best hold and the most natural look.

If we have product sitting on our skin, it does not look like part of our skin.  It looks like a coating.

We want our skin to absorb the foundation.

However, if our skin is dry in some parts and oily in other parts, the rate of absorption will be uneven, making our foundation look uneven.

Or, the foundation can absorb into pores unevenly and look flakey or too textured.

Preparing the skin in a way that it will absorb evenly will give a much more even canvas to apply foundation to.  Also having pores or skin texture already "filled" means it's easier for foundation to glide over pores and give a smoother finish.

Cue the primer.

The idea behind primer is to provide an even and slippery barrier (or film) to apply makeup to, to create an even finish over pores and texture in the skin.

Also, in theory, the slip may mean foundation glides on more easily, and in this way, create even application of foundation.

The Problem With Primer

Most primers are silicone based and never really properly soak into the skin themselves.  They sit on the skin until removed.

This means that the foundation glides on, and can then glide right off.  Or... glides and slides into creases throughout the day.

Essentially, many primers on the market cause makeup to not last as long, cause foundation to fall into creases, and also not look very natural, as the foundation sits on the skin rather than being absorbed.

Think about it, women use a moisturizer, then a slippy primer, then a foundation which very often is filled with moisturizer or slip.  

All that together just glides right off.

There are the occasional primers that do absorb beautifully into the skin and leave the skin with a nice clean base to work with, however this seems to be the rare exception rather than the norm.

Then there's this... Do All of Your Products Mix Together Properly?

Oils, silicones and water don't mix and dissolve in to each other.

This might come as a surprise, but the specific combination of products we apply to our faces is rather an important factor in how our makeup turns out.  

Since oil and water don't mix, for example, they will seperate and become patchy on our skin if we use, say, an oil based moisturizer and a water based foundation.

We may be blaming a foundation for the uneven result it achieves, when really it could be the combination of products - separating from each other on our face.

If you must wear primer, test that your foundation and primer easily dissolve into each other.  (Along with your moisturiser, while you're at it!)

You can test them on the back of your hand.

What Works Well with Mineral Foundations Such as Liquid Silk Opulence Luxury Mineral Foundation?

If you tend to have dry skin, or if mineral foundation seems to show up texture too much (a common tendency of mineral foundations) you may want to try this trick of using the slightest hint of oil or oil-based moisturizer before applying your foundation- essentially as a primer.

Mineral Foundations, including my Liquid Silk Opulence Luxury Mineral Foundation will sometimes benefit by using the teeniest, tiniest bit of oil-based moisturizer underneath to create an ideal surface to apply the makeup to - especially for skin that tends to fall on the dry side.

Using a small amount of oil suitable for the skin creates a barrier, or film, between the skin and the foundation - just like primer does - but this one that can be absorbed by the skin. 

This causes the foundation to glide on beautifully, it fills pores just enough to prevent foundation being absorbed unevenly, yet the foundation can still properly soak into the skin as well. 

I am talking about the smallest, teeniest, tiny amount.  An amount that will be just enough to prevent to dry look but also easily absorbed by the skin in a very short time.

Keep in mind that oil-based prep may not be compatible with a silicone-based foundation etc. in which case you may want to use a gel or water based moisturizer.   

So test, test, test!

Here are my favourites:

Emu Oil
Coconut Oil 
Skin Aide
Treatment oils such as clove, eucalyptus etc.

The Perfect Glow (see usage below)


Primer #2 - Luminizing Primer

This is a different type of primer with a totally different function.  That is a glow product such as my glorious and best selling The Perfect Glow. and one I use on every single makeup I do on celebrities and models.

This should be strategically applied to...the tips of the cheeks and the outer forehead (on the bone structure) to give a glorious natural glow.  

Used before foundation,

  • Makes makeup look more natural- less “makeupy”
  • Gives "Gee you look gorgeous today!" glow to the skin. 
  • It gives foundation a boost - prevents foundation looking dull and
  • makes the foundation look more like real skin - beautiful and healthy real skin.
  • Gives a more youthful look to the skin

Choose liquid luminizer to absorb easily into the skin.  Choose a product that give a "wet" look rather than a "glitter" look.  This will be most flattering.

Want to Learn More?

Let me know how you go or if you have any questions.  Or, if you really want to knock yourself out with how gorgeous you look using makeup  take my online makeup lessons.

Big love,


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